Mission Statement

Hello and welcome to "The Other Castle"! This is a blog created by a common everyday gamer for other common everyday gamers. There are a few ideas and guidelines that it is my goal to follow in this blog. These ideas and guidelines make up my "mission statement" which is as follows:

In the creation of this blog, I have set out to:

1. Create an environment where all opinions pertaining to gaming are respected.
2. Explore a variety of topics pertaining to gaming; everything from classic games to contemporary games to story elements to design theories
3. Maintain a standard of intellectual discussion and speculation in all of my posts and comments.
4. Focus entirely on games themselves rather than simply on my opinion of the games.
5. Be candid yet remain unbiased in my discussion of video games, citing opposing viewpoints as well as opposing critical reviews of games.
6. Be on the gamer's side and never look for monetary gain.
7. Discuss the artistic medium that is so near and dear to us.
8. Create this blog as an experiment in video game analysis and criticism.

If any reader or fellow blogger feels that I have failed to adhere to any part of this mission statement, I will ask them to please leave a comment or email me at theothercastlegamer@gmail.com. 

Just as my mission statement consists of the ideas and guidelines to which I hope to adhere in my blogging, there are a few ideas that this blog will NOT entertain in full as well as a few guidelines for readers and commenters.They are as follows:

1. I will touch very little on news or rumors of upcoming games as I feel there are already enough sites about these topics.
2. I will not overtly try to advance one game, genre of games, developer, or individual in this blog. I will try to cover numerous games, genres, and developers equally.
3. I ask that all commenters and readers please refrain from trolling or bashing me or other commenters and bloggers. This blog is meant to be a place where all opinions are respected even if one disagrees with an opinion.
4. I also ask that if any user sees any problems, inconsistencies, or discrepancies in my or anyone else's posts in this blog, to please let me know in a public comment in the blog or privately at theothercastlegamer@gmail.com.

Thank you very much for reading my mission statement! Please enjoy your time here at "The Other Castle".